The MPA and an amazing group of volunteers are busy working behind the scenes securing court time, bibs, balls and umpires for their first charity tournament, in aid of Prevent Breast Cancer.

Manchester based PBC is the only UK breast cancer charity funding ground-breaking research solely aimed at preventing the disease for future generations.

Whether you’re a GA ninja or an absolute beginner, it promises to be fun, friendly and for a great cause. It’s all-in, so every gender, age, size and level are welcome on 30th November 2022, around 6pm.

Teams are to be made up of at least 8 people either from the company you work for or from a broader group of friends, contacts, other agencies, it really doesn’t matter. Then you just need a killer team name and a splash of pink as part of your team kit!

Entry costs for teams are being worked up at the moment but for now, all that is needed is to click on this link to give a yes if you are up for this!

Some tickets still remaining for the #EATDRINKTHINKPINK MPA Charity Lunch on 5th October at The Midland Manchester – more info and book tickets here