by Cindy Simmons, MD, MPA

As you are busy getting your entries ready for this year’s MPA Awards, we thought we would share some top tips, as well as mistakes to avoid, when finalising your entries.

So, in no particular order, here are 5 key tips for you when completing your entry:

  1. Always stick to the word count that is stated on the entry form – sometimes people ignore this and get marked down.
  2. Answer the questions on the entry form succinctly and don’t over complicate your answer – judges need to understand why you have entered.
  3. Always include some images or links to bring your entry to life – make it stand out!
  4. Don’t enter the same content cut and pasted from another category you have already entered … make it relevant to the category you are entering.
  5. Be honest and straight forward. Sometimes entrants over complicate their entry. Make it easy for the judges to mark.

Don’t forget, the entry deadline has been extended for one final time to Friday 25th June.

Good luck, and any questions please email

