We got our collective heads together during the summer months to review and update what content we can share to help you and your teams thrive.

That’s why we’re proud to announce 5 new initiatives exclusively for our members.

If you’re still on the fence about joining, now is a great time to become a member of the MPA getting access to all free events as well as discounts on all future events and training.

In no particular order, here is just a little taster of some of the things coming your way:

MPA Mentors

We’re continuing our support for The Ideas Foundation by looking for members to sign up as mentors. This means supporting The Ideas Foundation within Greater Manchester’s diverse communities of young people, giving them inspiration and insight into our world. You can find more info here

MPA Member of the Month 

We want to raise the profile of our members so we can inspire, support and collaborate. It also helps us make better referrals for each other.

So we want to shine a big, bright spotlight on you through our new ‘member of the month’ initiative. We will be mailing out next week explaining more and inviting you to get your business involved.

MPA Membership 

Membership costs less than you might think, so why not join our community and be a part of this movement. We are here to collaborate, entertain and debate. You can sign up here, or chat to Cindy cindy@mpa.org.uk

MPA Mindfulness

Following our successful trial resilience class last month, we are now developing a series of wellbeing online offers. More on this to come soon.

MPA Master Classes 

Many are looking to pivot or upskill and so we are currently working with two key partners on an online training offer. Details to follow soon!

Not forgetting of course the MPA Awards which are live and awaiting your entries. Closing date for entries has now been extended based on your feedback to the 29th October 2020!!! 

So lots happening …! If you wanted to sponsor any of the above communications and initiatives, please let us know by contacting cindy@mpa.org.uk.

MPA team